Storys > Briefe > Liebe > Warm, safe and loved

Warm, safe and loved

29.05.20 09:30

You know, I just heard this wonderful Podcast in which they said: The only reason you should stay, with a person, a situation or something else, is if you feel warm, safe and loved. And I felt that. With you it is this just this easy.
I feel warm because you have so much love within you, you make me feel wanted, these little hughs you put me in - right in the middle of nowhere, it makes me speechless because this is what everybody should feel. 
I feel safe because you give me that feeling that with you, I can conquer the world, you support me with everything that comes into my mind, you will protect me from anybody who would do me any harm and at the same time I am free as I never have been before. 
I feel loved because in every look you throw at me I see this spark, I can see that every word you tell me is your true feeling. We can annoy each other but still it is the lovely way of doing it. If I am down you give me space to check in on my feelings again instead of pushing me to do something and I think that is lovely. So yes, I agree. If you don’t feel warm, safe and loved you should get the fuck out of this situation and get the feelings by yourself.



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Miras Profilbild
Mira Am 18.02.2022 um 20:32 Uhr
Hallo Fraennie,
Ich bin zu Tränen gerührt. Ich weiß nicht einmal wirklich, wieso.... Vielleicht, weil alles, was in deinem Text steht, so wahr ist. Und ich kann es auch auf mein Leben übertragen. Danke für diesen wundervollen Text!
Viele Grüße


Fraennies Profilbild Fraennie


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Sätze: 9
Wörter: 239
Zeichen: 1.169