******************** savage [Writeinktober 2018 #6] von Elenyafinwe ******************** ++++++++++++++++++++ Kurzbeschreibung ++++++++++++++++++++ What a savage world fight against me I’m my own bossfight what a savage world to make me such a beast   wild animalistic cruel tearing appart my own flesh my soul raw flesh no longer human what a savage world to turn men into beasts   where’s my humanity? why did you take it from me? savage! I’m crawling crawling crawling in my skin tearing tearing me appart ripping my flesh into pieces cut cut cut savage world ******************** Am 8.10.2018 um 23:42 von Elenyafinwe auf StoryHub veröffentlicht (http://sthu.de/s=i%C3%9C%2FQf) ********************